Seeing Beyond the Impossible

East Gates International is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to serving the Church in China as well as other entities that best serve China’s future growth and development.

We fulfill this by working at all levels in China from engagement in government diplomatic activities to assisting with grassroots rural projects.  In this decade, East-West relations will have a significant impact on the world and will impact China's geo-political, socio-economic and religious activities and their contribution to society.  East Gates is humbled to be a small part of what is happening in the Church in China.

East Gates News

May - June 2024 Newsletter

It’s hard to believe we’re already half way through 2024. It seems the rest of the year will fly by just as fast. As always, we have much to share with you in this issue. First, we were reflecting the other day on what “Made in China” used to mean. When you would ask people what their first impression of “Made in China” meant to them, comments would be, “Cheap” or “Nice product but won’t last long.” In other words, the overall consensus was that anything made in China was of low quality.

We shared with our Chinese brothers and sisters that despite China’s reputation in the realm of consumer and commercial goods, it should not be so with respect to their Kingdom reputation. In other words, if one were to ask, “What are Chinese Christians like?” The immediate impression should be, “Oh, they’re authentic, they ‘walk the talk’ and they’re truly faithful believers in the Lord.”

Blessing Your Spirit

cd-2-minEver feel like a wilted flower that needs the refreshment that comes from just a few drops of morning dew? God's Word says that King David craved the Lord's presence like a parched deer pants for water (Psalms 42:1).

East Gates has just produced a CD, Blessing Your Spirit. It's composed of 21 blessings (in Mandarin Chinese) taken from Sylvia Gunter and Arthur Burke's popular book, Blessing Your Spirit.

This project came about through the inspiration of Lotus Buds International. They work to encourage, support and educate families in China to adopt their own orphans. Having worked in the country for a number of years, they observed how nannies and caregivers in orphanages needed spiritual food to nourish their soul. After reading Blessing Your Spirit, they thought it would be a good idea for a CD to be produced with that very idea in mind. They approached East Gates on the project.

Some of the blessings cover topics such as: Knowing Your Purpose, Freedom from the Fear of Man, Sound of Heaven, Kingdom of Peace, Seeing God's Fingerprints and more...


Your Comfort God

Seven years ago, Mrs. Petty, an elderly Christian lady, approached me at a potluck holding a scrumptious piece of apple pie and asked, “Christina, if I ask God to bless this apple pie, will He?” I said, “Why not?” In a loud whisper, she said, “Because, I’m diabetic.” I thought to myself, “Hmm. I need to consult Yeshua (Jesus) on this one.”

I knew Mrs. Petty wanted me to say “yes” but instead, I gently responded, “Um. I don’t think God will bless it.” Before I could say another word, she stammered, “Well, why not!” I quietly replied, “If you eat that sugar-laced piece of apple pie and have an insulin reaction, I might have to call 911. In God’s dictionary, a blessing is anything that benefits your eternal welfare. Since you’re diabetic, I don’t think that piece of pie falls into that category.” Her response? “Well, I’m just going to share it with my husband then” and walked off. Today, she has Alzheimer’s Disease and many other ailments...