Seeing Beyond the Impossible


East Gates 20th Anniversary Issue

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Chinese Christian Herald Crusades Honors Billy and Ruth Graham

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Billy & Ruth Graham - Wang Ming Dao-min

Rev. Billy Graham’s First Visit to China

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Miss You Dad

On February 21, 2018, my dad passed away at his home in Montreat, North Carolina.  He was released from this earthly realm and entered where he always wanted to be — his forever home.  We can only imagine how he was gloriously greeted by His Savior, Jesus the Messiah, whom he so faithfully served for…

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Your Comfort God

Seven years ago, Mrs. Petty, an elderly Christian lady, approached me at a potluck holding a scrumptious piece of apple pie and asked, “Christina, if I ask God to bless this apple pie, will He?” I said, “Why not?” In a loud whisper, she said, “Because, I’m diabetic.” I thought to myself, “Hmm. I need…

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Born To Pray

Prayer is about relationship.  God “wired” us to have relationships.  Most of all with Him.  Our ancestors knew this eons ago when they realized that the spiritual and physical realm were intimately tied together. It’s not a coincidence that the things we cherish most in our lives are relationships — be it with our loved…

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Tiny But Mighty

One day, God gave me an insight.  We live in momentous times and as Christians, we know that Christ has given us the victory as far as receiving eternal life versus eternal death.  That is the incredible hope we have yet we’re still in a cosmic battle of immense proportions until our King’s soon coming…

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Christianity and America’s Founding – Jack Ma

Back in September 2014, Jack Ma, founder, and CEO of Alibaba Holding Company spoke on China’s internet Taobao regarding his thoughts on Christianity and America’s founding.  He highlighted the strength of America as a young nation and her commanding power as a world leader today, attributing these qualities to her Christian heritage, and not her legal…

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