Remembering the Chinese Christian Herald Crusades Benefit Concert Honoring Billy and Ruth Graham
Just the other day, about a week after my dad’s passing, a Chinese friend reminded Christina and I of the special Chinese Christian Herald Crusades Benefit Concert at Carnegie Hall on June 4, 2004, where they chose to honor mom and dad for their mission outreach to the Chinese. This honor was initiated by an invitation letter written by the late Dr. Charlotte Tan Hsu.
To give you a little background, the late Dr. Moses Hsu and his wife, Dr. Charlotte Tan Hsu (1924-2008), were close family friends of ours. Moses was a Bible scholar who helped translate the Bible from English to Chinese for the American Bible Society and Charlotte was a world renown children’s cancer chemotherapy pioneer. Both were devout Christians and accompanied my parents on their first visit to China in 1988.
On December 17, 2003, about two years after Moses passed away, Charlotte wrote my parents on behalf of the Chinese Christian Herald Crusades (CCHC) of which she was an honorary member.

Given mom and dad’s fragile health at the time, they asked Christina and I if we would like to attend the event and receive CCHC”s gift on their behalf. We felt honored and accepted.
Chinese calligraphy writing states:
To our beloved Rev. Billy and Ruth Graham
Conscience of our Era
Ambassador of the Gospel
Defender of the Truth

Ned (at podium), Charlotte Tan Hsu (to his left), Christina (far right)
On the evening of the event, dad wanted me to read his signed letter to all the attendees.

It was such a privilege for Christina and I to have received this gift for mom and dad. What caught me by surprise was the audience’s reaction after I read dad’s comment on Christina’s great-great-great-grandfather being Tseng Kuo-fan. Immediately, there was a soft gasp throughout Carnegie Hall. Then suddenly everyone started clapping and clapping. Then there was a standing ovation. Little did I know how famous and respected Christina’s great-great-great-grandfather was on her mother’s side and how the Chinese still place great reverence on her family legacy. We get the same response when we’re in China today.
With dad’s passing, I’m glad our Chinese friend reminded us of the Chinese Christian Herald Crusades Carnegie Hall event 14 years ago. How quickly time passes. It was such a memorable experience and made us rejoice in all that the Lord continues to do throughout the generations in China and around the world.
~ Ned Graham
East Gates, President